Selasa, 27 Maret 2012


Campus, March 22, 2012

Green...... listen to my story. Last Thursday at ten more precisely, my friends and I attend the seminar which was held a graduate student at the Techno Park these days happens to my college schedule is empty, its location close to SEAFAST. I had never met these brothers just sms to ask for news about the info S2 in IPB. And that I got from my friend Sarah's handphone number because he also lectures in the IPB. When the moderator asked the participants invited to the seminar. The Brotherhood is to ask some questions to pemrasaran and I was amazed that he mentioned the name of Sarah with love to me. After the seminar's brother approached the bench as I sit on, but he chatted with his friend next to me. I could not believe that he's what I mean, I finally ventured to ask his friend while he was busy reading the sms. Is it true that this name???. Continued to direct his friend quickly replied yes, and no one wants forwarded nih acquaintances. I already so embarrassed. Hikss .. hiks. Finally, I chatted briefly with him.

SBRC, March 2012

Green there is a scene that makes me funny when I practice at SBRC. Whether it nerveos brother or something, until the baker glass which he held down, after I asked him about the analysis of free glycerol. Because each of the different working groups, whereas the group I was working on the analysis of total glycerol. Until the God I kept the same dikecengin with my friend, he happened to see an event this afternoon.  Ugghhhhhh sebellll

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Starts Of Dreams

On the way to graduate lecture room, I stared at the lush green trees like Alstonia sholaris, Carica papaya, Cocus nucifera about 15 meters tall and beautiful birdsong in the morning. I went through other departments. The distance from the campus kosanku only about fifteen minutes. Alhamdulillah not so much that I did not rush to enter the lecture room on the third floor.

Monday is the day that make me because the spirit of this day I can meet a father of professors, lecturers, researchers, consultants, who guide us all, he was professor of Fateta IPB. Each of his words convey useful knowledge and make us all motivated. I also very interest, with a personality as he explained, and he also lectured on their religious, then we are all speechless listen to the charm of his experience. There is which made us astonished, as he explained in between lectures research methodology, he gave the motivation to vigorously he says be beneficial to the nation's children, many thanks, the knowledge that you get do not forget to resume practicing in order to be useful, must not be arrogant, self-discipline will work,humble, many tried, and much curiosity is high, so give us a lot of usefulness.

Before he came to the college campus or provide the material to us, he used to go to the mosque to attend the study of Islam in the realm of Islam very increse after dawn prayers at about the environment. He figures that I like is humbble, many of his insights, experience, guiding pokonya really like the father and son.

He gives his experience abroad during college, a lot of work experience, organizational experience as well, the experience of his family, and others quite a lot of lessons that I got from the figure of him. His full name is Prof. Dr.Ir. Endang Gumbira Sa'id, MADev. A familiar name that is often called the Pak Egum. He was born in Subang, May 21, 1955. I am so grateful to meet directly with him and share. He holds a PhD in chemical engineering (1992) from University of Queensland, Australia and the master Master of Agricultural Development (1983) State University of Ghent, Belgium. He now gets amanahnya as chairman MAKSI (Perkelapa sawitan Indonesia Society).

So a bit of my experience in college with great professors extraordinary achievements he will get. I hope can motivate and beneficial for all.

IPB Campus Dramaga, March 21, 2012
Ririn Rahayu. The author is grateful to all the blessings that Allah gave so much. Here the author to gain experience and new knowledge is infinite, may Allah always give me the strength to seek knowledge because all I did to get ridhoNya. Thank you All that has given me support and prayer.

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Mimpi yang Aneh

Sepulang dari tempat kuliah aku menginap ditempat saudara baru ku namanya Bunga. Dia orang yang pertama kali aku ajak diskusi saat aku kuliah di teknologi industri pertanian IPB, orangnya ramah, baik, dan hampir mirip dengan karakterku. Hehe. Aku baru pertama kali menginap ditempatnya walau sudah mengenal lama hampir enam bulan, tepatnya di belakang BOTANI SQUARE salah satu mall terbesar di Baranang Siang milik IPB.

Indahnya kota Bogor dengan bulan sabit yang terang di malam itu, kita pun larut dalam canda dan tawa sambil dinner bersama. Aku menemani saudaraku sangat senang rasanya dimulai dengan diskusi yang ringan sampai yang berat. Apakah itu? Haha....Sssssttt gak boleh ada yang tahu. Afwan, please forgive me.

Hampir jam sebelas malem aku membaca buku yang disarankan oleh saudara baruku. “Nggak boleh malu untuk membacanya, ini sudah waktunya kita banyak tahu tentang hal itu,” Bunga ngomel padaku dengan sedikit bercanda. Aku pun menurutnya. Ceritanya sungguh menarik, membuat aku banyak tahu tentang hal itu. Hohoo..

 Last night I read the book straight dream ..... ohhh it feels like I'm really ashamed to tell here. Let me and Allah alone knows. Sorry yah. Hehe....